The stories range from the sharing of how the author receives stories from spirits to an enlightened Nana speaking out for young women of the earth. This collection offers a fresh perspective to rethinking our inner selves and the world in which we dwell, through the venue of creativity. The "Comments" section shares results of the author asking 11 various people to each give a personal quote on a particular story as an abstract way of relating that humans are interconnected, even if not always in obvious ways. The cover art titled “A Dream I Thought I Had Forgotten- Something Was Eating The Moon '' is also by the author. This is her 27th book.
"Moore's newest book calls us to the global Story-fire of healing and possibilities where ancestor spirits and dreams are a norm, not a forgotten and suspicious fringe experience often scoffed at by modern folks. No matter who our Ancestors are, we all come from people, no matter how long ago, who honored dreamers, shamans, and conjurers. Moore's work reminds us of this truth and gives readers permission to enter the dreams she has conjured, trusting her voice guiding us through the labyrinth of words and images she has returned with from the sacred spaces where she has traveled. Courageous from the journey, we can bring the experience of eternal possibility with us to address the most pressing issues of our times, knowing we are doing so firmly on the roots of traditions Moore is bravely sharing with we fortunate ones sitting at her Story-fire."
– Stephanie A. Sellers, Ph.D., Native American Studies educator Gettysburg College, PA
An anthology of sixty-five contributors (from various Indigenous Nations) who share their creations in order to educate those who are interested in the history and modern day activism of the Indigenous People of North America. Some of the contributors have been writing and producing art for several years, whereas about 25% - the youngest of whom is nine years old - are making a publishing debut. By being included in this groundbreaking anthology, all contributors are offered encouragement to keep expressing themselves to keep their cultures alive, as well as write from their own perspective instead of being “written about.” To remind the world that Indigenous voices, visions, and determination do indeed matter. A quote from one of the contributors:“For many people, especially those of us touched, inspired, and influenced over the course of our lives through the bravery, music, and words of John Trudell (Lakota, 1946-2015) the surrender of our voices nor our Indigenous world view, which we sometimes still have to fight with every cell of our beings to keep alive, is not an option. No more than surrendering our Mother Earth. Power of the Storm affirms this. MariJo Moore, with her courage of spiritual and physical commitment, is presenting that determination, that appreciation to the world and to Creation.”
"MariJo Moore has done it again! Within this fabulous collection of her art and poems, she weaves us in and out of current realities stemming back to the beginning of humanity. She is led by Spirit and by everything that is good. Here, she tells a truth we need to understand for change. I will continue to read this over and over to absorb the beautiful medicine she delivers. This is a must read. What I love about this book is that it is brutally honest and at the same time puts one in a state of action and delivers hope."
- Issac Murdoch (Manzinapkinegego’anaabe / Bombgiizhik)
author of THE TRAIL OF NENABOOZHOO and Other Creation Stories"
"Amid the Chaos, MariJo Moore gives voice to the concepts of foreshadowing, foreboding, and forgiveness, and to the paroxysms of anguish and anger, transcending into profound reflections, and creating for us prose and poetry born out of a kind of revulsion and love. Her painted images of formless forms, and colors, express artistic renderings of unsettled thought, and unlimited possibilities, conceived from depths of hopelessness and hope"
- Gabriel Horn (White Deer of Autumn), author of Motherless, Spirit Drumming, and Ceremony
“Rich with stunning artwork that moves fragmented turmoil towards healing, Amid the Chaos offers a portrait of psyches undergoing biological and social pandemic, a time when the Earth has been ravaged and “sneezes have become as bullets,” when people working together to bridge chasmic schisms are met by bullets and other modes of murder, destruction, and death. For anyone who has been overwhelmed or unwilling to take this fully to heart, welcome to a long view: a historic view, a prophetic view. Welcome to a view from the depths, the heights, and within that can help you locate your own answers to agonizing questions: “Which is the right prayer? … Where is the love? … Can humankind ever find one single thing upon which to agree? … [can] we deal with the ever deepening and ever ripening wounds of our psyches?”
If we face how we’ve harmed each other, we can find our way to heal each other: “All of the Earth holds the memories of all ceremonies,” and Moore’s poems gift us with suggestions to enact this relatedness. Culminating poems clarify that Earth is the source of the answers She loans us. May they help us all, small aspects of the Mother that we are.”
- Menoukha Robin Case, co-author of Weaving the Legacy: Remembering Paula Gunn Allen and Introduction to Feminist Thought and Action: #WTF and How Did We Get Here, and author of Tidal River Sediment and Waiting to be Special
Cover art by noted Pueblo sculptor Virgil Ortiz (
"...MariJo Moore’s words take form of the wisdom she has acquired and shared so many times in the past. This is, for her, and for us, a ceremony of reflection and wisdom and love unencumbered with human superiority, and over sentimentality, and simply stated sacred things she has gathered along the way and placed in her bundle of words ..."
from the Introduction by Gabriel Horn
Mystery Quotes
by MariJo Moore (Author), Gabriel Horn (Introduction)
A book of spiritual/mystical quotes by noted Cherokee/Irish/Dutch author MariJo Moore.
5.5 x 8.5 inches/44 pages
Compiled and edited by noted author MariJo Moore , WHEN SPIRITS VISIT contains stories centered on spiritual visitation – animal, bird, and people. Some are fiction, some non-fiction, and some faction. Discernment is left to each reader.
Writers included are: Susan Deer Cloud, Phyllis A. Fast, Gabriel Horn, Amy Krout-Horn, Evan Pritchard, Jim Stevens, MariJo Moore, Sean Milanovich, Clifford Trafzer, Dawn Karima Pettigrew, Lois Red Elk, Willliam Yellow Robe, Jr, Dean Hutchins.and Denise Low. All respected published authors in the Native American realm of literature.
This book is unique in its presentation of the fact that "...many of us do believe in the mysteries of the universe, even if they cannot be “proved” mathematically or scientifically. There are spirit beings who help us, who guide us, and there are spirit beings who can confuse us as well. Spirit beings are all around us at any given moment. These spirits have their work to do in helping us, so they need us as much as we need them.”
When Spirits Visit
A Collection of Stories by Indigenous Authors
8.5 x 5.5/ 134 pages
"An exceptional anthology of some of the best and most profound thinkers in Indian Country. (Some I do know personally.) This book is exceptional in subtle ways a non-Native reader may not "get" but read it anyway. Read it with an open heart and mind. Read it with innocence. You may not believe what you read but read it anyway. These writers are offering a gift. Insight into their dreams, their own spirit, a legacy of experience. I was moved to tears and will reread these Indigenous writers. It's a transforming book. Precious. It's brilliant."
~Trace Laura Hentz, author/editor of STOLEN GENERATIONS
"If I had the power to give an award for the best anthology of 2016, I would give When Spirits Visit, the Gold Medal! You got to dig this book. I mean, I can’t imagine being Indigenous and not. And, if you don’t think of yourself as Indigenous, digging this book, may cause you to give that some deeper introspection. These are stories to savor. I suppose you could gobble them up all at once, but I choose the savoring of one at a time. I like to feel the immediate response in my body-mind, then allow my spirit-mind to reflect, and that’s where the relishing begins. Man, I dig this book! I know that after I’ve read each story, I will want to return. Thank you, Indigenous writers of the first degree! Thank you, MariJo Moore, for another awesome contribution of Indigenous thought."
~Gabriel Horn
"The words and collage images flow together and enhance the stories, which are riveting and transportive."
~Suzanne Z. Murphy, NM.
"I'm reading one story each night. Lovely."
~Denise Low-Weso, KS
"I love MariJo Moore's anthologies for they bring together an encompassing cultural idea. This latest book, When Spirits Visit, collects the regional awareness of a spiritual life. The many thoughts upon Turtle Island of a relationship with the earth are beautifully represented in this book."
~Jim Stevens, WS
“This unique and beautiful collection of stories calls upon the reader to see the
world, and existence, as something much more mysterious, and strange, than we
are accustomed to, or are willing to believe in. Moore's work has always offered this challenge. Here, she tells us, is a book that is "an assemblage that chose its own parts..." The results are stunning. The stories insist that we really look at the power and wonder-and sometimes terror - of a universe that we are only beginning to understand; that we hardly know at all.
- Doris Seale
Founder of Oyaté, author of Blood Salt, Ghost Dance, and co-editor of Through Indian Eyes
and A Broken Flute
“MariJo Moore is a storyteller, relating dreams and memories, hopes and ironies of her mountain heritage. If you listen to her telling you may find her stories become your own, stories you need but had forgotten. For these are stories of the larger community of the imagination, of pain and curiosity, the surprises and satisfaction of our humanity.”
~Robert Morgan
Author of Brave Enemies and Boone: A Biography
"MariJo Moore's magical stories evoke the mystery of the WNC Mountains. Her writing makes you search deep down for something you know is there, but you're not sure you can find...or if you should."
~Leisa Stamey
Branch Manager, Enka/Candler Library, North Carolina
“MariJo Moore's mesmerizing medley of characters, both delightful and disturbing, reach out from the pages and draw you into their worlds; worlds tinged with bitter-sweet southern appeal, woven from the ancient threads of an indigenous storyteller, and painted with a precisely portioned pallet of shades, both dark and light.”
~Amy Krout-Horn
Author of Transcendence and My Father's Blood
"Have you seen the bears dancing on a glorious moonlit night?"
If so, celebrate with them!
If not, change your surroundings."
A book of spiritual aphorisms
8.5 x 5.5/ 48 pages
cover art © Wabashki Makwa by Steve Hapy, Jr, Ojibwe
Edited by MariJo Moore and Trace A. DeMeyer
Dedicated to Vine Deloria Jr
Exploring Quantum physics in relation to Indigenous peoples' understanding of the spiritual universe, this anthology includes writings from 40 Native writers from various nations.
"Unraveling the Spreading Cloth of Time, MariJo Moore and Trace
DeMeyer's brilliant anthology, explores an uncanny tension between
Indigenous understandings of a moral, interconnected universe and the edges
of western science and philosophy that -in time- come to the same
~Dr. Phillip J. Deloria, Carroll Smith-Rosenberg Collegiate
Professor of History and American Studies, University of Michigan, author
of Playing Indian and coauthor of The Native Americans
More Info
Interview with MariJo Moore
Unraveling the Spreading Cloth of Time
April 4, 2013
WBAI: First Voices Indigenous Radio
Review of Unraveling the Spreading Cloth of Time
Wonderful new review of Unraveling the Spreading Cloth of Time at this site
~ (a great journal of Native women!)
Humankind and the cosmos are deeply connected. There isn't humankind's existence and the animal and plant kingdom's existence: It is our existence. Humankind is not a superior species, but interrelated with all species, and connected to the universe, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. There are many ways to gain knowledge, to heal, and to gain a deeper understanding of spirituality: One is to engage in ceremony.
These are personal ceremonies. The five cards included are not to be drawn but to be used specifically with these particular ceremonies.
…true happiness comes when one no longer desires or needs but trusts one’s total life to Spirit. This is a feat many of us will not reach during this lifetime, so I am blessed to offer these ceremonies from Spirit. Use them wisely and with deepening respect.
The entries* in this compilation are based upon spiritual intuitive
consultations from the past twenty years. I am gifted with spiritual
insight, the ability to be a “medium” for those who have passed
over, and have had the opportunity to work with many people
who have come to me to ask for guidance, spiritual support, and to
contact their loved ones. Though it is impossible for any spiritual
medium to claim accuracy a hundred percent of the time, I am
blessed with a gift strong enough to be able to be used by Spirit**
to help others in times of need.
Some of the subjects in these entries were once considered “taboo
to discuss.” That time has passed. We are now in a spiritual shift
where we must deal with everything that has happened to us,
consider the possibilities of future happenings, and glean wisdom
from these to help us continue to thrive in our spiritual progress
on this planet.
I do not claim to be an expert on any one subject. I do not claim to
be anything other than who I am: a woman who has the uncanny
ability to listen to the other side and bring forth messages. I give
credit to Spirit for this gift, and for allowing me to be a vessel.
Although broken at times, I am willing to keep going forward
during the mending.
The quotes at the beginning of each entry are from my collective
writings – some old, some new.
My objective is to help those
who can be helped with these insights.
Again, I thank Spirit for
allowing me to share.
MariJo Moore, 2011
In the mountains of western North Carolina
** Please note there are four weekly entries for each of the twelve months.
I am aware that some months sometimes have five weeks, but in order to
use this book during any year, I suggest during the months with five weeks,
you choose one of the four entries and use it for two weeks.
** Spirit is used synonymously with God, Creator, Universe and All There Is.
20 years in the writing, this book promises to deliver a range of emotions. A bevy of unforgettable characters, trying times, spiritual awareness, and raw humor offer a world never fully revealed before now.
I cannot believe anyone with any degree of perception can read this book
and not be changed by it. Changed, certainly, in the way they see people
who are different,
but also in relation to all that is around them, to time,
life and the universe, and ultimately how they view themselves.
~Doris Seale
Author of Blood Salt, Ghost Dance, co-editor/ author of Through Indian Eyes,
A Broken Flute, and co-founder of Oyate
One of the deep pleasures of reading is giving oneself over to a gifted storyteller for the duration of the trip. MariJo Moore eases our transition into her several worlds and then holds us there, willing us to travel roads that are winding, difficult and revelatory. When the Dead Dream may be her masterworka sinuous and stony path where we encounter monsters as well as jewels. It is not for the faint-hearted and not to be missed.
~H. Byron Ballard
Author of Back to the Garden and Earth Work
"A collection of stories intertwining many characters and events that have some connection to the Cherokee culture or reservation.
Many social issues are dealt with...
but they are merely props to help the readers see the real subject which is the strength of Cherokee women."
~Cherokee One-Feather
Selected poems from the book Confessions of a Madwoman read by MariJo Moore accompanied with original music by Doll Imago - piano infused with electronic soundscapes and organic rhythms setting the mood and enhancing the meaning of the words.
Intensity. From “creativity is existence” to “my mind is. . .a wild bird” to “the last fire in hell/ smoldering” to “I want my divided soul to erupt/ dance naked around these stones.” Intensity you can’t avoid! Because it is determination, persistence, struggle and endurance, passion, creative fervor—“fires of creativity”—and exaltation of “how it is to be loved by a madwoman.” I might as well say it is truly an experience to read MariJo Moore’s Confessions of a Madwoman!
~Simon J. Ortiz
Author of The Good Rainbow Road and Beyond the Reach of Time and Change
To be a poet is a madness circling one’s soul, a constant companion. Words bring MariJo to this beginning and ending, without hesitation she flies with wings un-fluttered by manmade be true to her words are to live and be.
~Emoke B’Racz
Imre Margit lanya, poet, translator of Katalin Ladik
Moore's ancient instincts flash through these poems with a blood thirst for lawless imagination, the madness born of passion, and the indigenous honesty of lovely wilderness creatures.
~Tom Kerr, publisher,
The Underground Asheville Guide Book, "Western North Carolina Columnist of the Year 2003"
Asheville Citizen Times
A collection of over 60 poems, this book addresses a wide variety of issues and subjects. It has several unusual and noteworthy features including a poem called "Solidarity in the Night" which appears in English, and eleven different native languages including Eastern Cherokee and Navajo.
"The crisp, clear and evocative poetry of MariJo Moore is leading the way in raising American Indian poetry from merely ethnic reflections to a universal form of emotional expression. Reading her verse is like taking a long cool drink of water on a hellishly hot day - refreshing and satisfying!!"
~Vine Deloria Jr. author of God is Red, and The World We Used to Live In
"Desert music can be deep and sad when the sand cries for its old lover, the ocean."
A pocket size book of spiritual aphorisms printed on tree-free paper.